The Airport Police Cadet Program was established January 2012 and is managed by the Training and Recruitment Unit/Youth Services under Professional Standards.
The Program is open to youth ages of 12 1/2 to 17. The goal of the program is to help instill leadership, academic excellence, life-skills and discipline into its participants. The program also seeks to empower students into maximizing their personal, scholastic and life potential as well as providing early insight into what a career in law enforcement would be like at LAX.
Selected cadets attend a 15-week program at the LAPD Ahmanson Recruit Training Center in Los Angeles. Through academics, physical training and drill, Cadets develop teamwork, learn leadership skills and a variety of basic law enforcement skills that they will be able to use as Cadets as well as in their everyday lives.
The next Recruit Cadet Leadership Academy will beginsoonand there are no fees involved. Uniforms and insurance are provided through grant-funding to the city of Los Angeles. Persons who are interested in the program or know of someone who may be interested, are asked to call the Los Angeles Airport Police Youth Service Program at (424) 646-5663 or (424) 646-8683. Applications may be delivered to 7303 World Way West, Los Angeles, CA 90045 or emailed to
Cadet Eligibility Requirements
Cadet Application